Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Long List

Not a list of New Year's resolutions ............

but a long list of things to do while Jimmy was off work last week.

Put the leaf in the dinning table a for family meal. Take out the leaf and put it away.

Take care of business ............ trips to the bank and afternoons with the lawyer.

More trips to the lawyer's. ( No worry, good business.) Hurry! A lot to do. Company's coming, put the leaf back in the table.

Pack the Christmas decorations.....................

Get everything in storage!

Play with the boys.

Spend time with family and friends.

Play with the boys.

Pull Laurie's car out of the ditch!

Pack and leave for work.

WAIT! What about the little trees on the porch? And the extra leaf is still in the table!
Well, put that on the next list. Back to work and back to school.

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