Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Tree Out Our Window

Han-man came over Thursday afternoon and we sat and watched the landscape work that West and Son had in progress outside.

But we were confused over the placement of a couple of trees.............

Is that a crape myrtle or a river birch?

In fact we were more than confused....... We were concerned.

Hannan offered to play a little music so we could relax

and let the professionals handle the landscaping.

We just played and forgot all about those guys............................

" What's that Juju?" " That's just Son using an augur to dig holes."

The trees were moved to the correct location and all is well..... Well, in progress anyway. Thanks Son, for your hard work. Come again soon.


Our Home said...

Oh-Love your pictures of Han-Man! Once again, you had me laughing at the captions! So funny! I'm sure he was so perplexed-he never sees anyone working in the yard these days...

mcdaniellaurie said...

I came hoping to find a long post about Mallory's birthday, and instead found that her short post was gone. Sad!

But I am happy to look at this post again. I love Hannan's concerned face! I have looked at this so many times, and it always makes me laugh!