Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Tree Out Our Window

Han-man came over Thursday afternoon and we sat and watched the landscape work that West and Son had in progress outside.

But we were confused over the placement of a couple of trees.............

Is that a crape myrtle or a river birch?

In fact we were more than confused....... We were concerned.

Hannan offered to play a little music so we could relax

and let the professionals handle the landscaping.

We just played and forgot all about those guys............................

" What's that Juju?" " That's just Son using an augur to dig holes."

The trees were moved to the correct location and all is well..... Well, in progress anyway. Thanks Son, for your hard work. Come again soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

101 Things To Do Before You Go To Heaven

Last weekend at the beach house, I picked up a book entitled 101 Things To Do Before You Go To Heaven. A bucket list for Christians. I have done many of the things listed in the book, I think just because I have lived a while and... well... I guess...done things. I have surely risked looking stupid. Not just being or doing but taking a risk to look stupid. I have eaten cheesecake for breakfast..... and way too many other non-traditional things. I have built many sandcastles. I have watched at least two meteor showers. I have danced with abandon. I have and plan to again soon swing high on a swing. I have attended too many class reunions. I have also made too many loaves of bread from scratch. But I do wear the size that fits. I am comfortable in my own skin. And I have had a massage.

Daddy loved taking the "long cut" as opposed to the " short cut" so that's just a way of life for me. I have seen Niagara Falls ( Is that a natural wonder? It is to me!), been in it, on it, under it and wore the cute rain gear. And yes, I have touched a manta ray- changing to a sting ray per Bradley. And my nephew, Bradley, has also touched a sting ray. He was a little fellow when Karen and I took the kids to Sea World and Bradley talked about touching the sting ray for weeks. AND....... Bradley. Touched. A Sting Ray! Even if he was screaming his head off and people were starring as his mom wrestled him down to the water and held his hand down to the sting rays. It was a fun time.

There are a couple of things on the list that I don't think I'll ever do. I don't plan to step off a cliff! I may never walk where Jesus walked. And I may not get a chance to walk under the redwoods. But I do count my blessings and I have taken a chance. I have done things that scared me and I did reconnect with a long lost friend.

I think I can say I have read through the Bible. I spent a year in the Old Testament but we did not read every word. I guess I need to work on that. But, I have spent a day alone with God and I have spent a day in silence.

Some things I hope I have done. I think have made my house a home. I have tried to live up to my name. I believe I know myself. I believe I have a signature dish and I think this blog is my answer to recording my life story. I hope I have blessed an enemy and I know I have let go of a grudge or two or three...... I will probably dye my hair. Or I may let it grow long and wear it in a bun at the nap of my neck.:)

I plan to become an underground encourager, memorize more than my telephone number, and spend more time listening to God. And to do these things I may need to once again greet the dawn

I thought this little book was fun and interesting for us to ponder on our anniversary. Now I am thinking, and praying about, my own list. What's on your list?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Building Memories

In keeping with a tradition in my family, we took a trip this weekend.

As soon as we heard that it would be one of the coldest weekends of the year....

.......... we bundled the babies ............ and headed to ..........

......................the beach.......of course!

.................I know it is cold but...................

.......................................just smile!

June and Jimmy Allen and some of their family motored over to Fernandina Beach Friday..................................
where they enjoyed the local seafood...................................

...................and the fresh air of the Surf's outdoor dining. ( Wrapped in plastic!)

During the weekend some family members participated in the annual Buggy Race......................

........................ Balance Beam competition....................

....................and the Polar Bear Endurance.

Over the course of the visit the family enjoyed shrimp at The Surf, Bonita's, The Crab Trap, and Cedar River.

A good time................................................................

........................was had..............................................

.................................................by all!!

As we celebrated Jimmy's birthday.........Happy Birthday Jimmy!
We're glad you were born ,too! Love you!

And Happy Anniversary to us!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Very Blustery Day

Welcome to the South in January...........one day its summer......

..............the next, early spring.......with high winds.....

...................a very blustery day in the 100 (-90) Acre Forest........

.........................but any day's a good day for fishing............

.......................................and throwing rocks !

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Cowboys Here, Just Hard Working Hands

Pioneer Woman has Cowboy Josh, but at Still Waters we have "plantation-ette" hand Bennett- AKA Tractor. (That's the named he gave himself.)

Since it was a beautiful January "summer" day, Tractor came over to give us a hand on the "plantation-ette" today.
First he drove the tractor but I did not have my camera when he was doing a little ground prep.

Then Tractor climbed onto the lawn mower....
...and mowed the south forty.........
....................you can tell he's going fast!.............and it was hot work!

Tractor needed to test the corks to make sure they still float.........
.......even in rough water......................
.........They all checked out.
Tractor cleaned the beach while watching out for a gator.
Of course, the fish must be fed....

.......and sometimes the workers need feeding.
..........................................a lot!
..................................Tractor fed the fish..........................................

..................................fed both himself and the fish! Tractor likes to feed the small fish that stay close to the shore. Tractor is kind like that.

The pond manager of Still Waters said this boat was leaking...........................

..................................and Tractor decided to check for a hole.

..............You have to check carefully!

Then he made sure the boat is sturdy..............

Tractor then relaxed while choosing a perfect rock..........................

.................................................to toss across the pond.................

and practice a little throwing before reporting to the Braves camp for Spring training.

Then cooling down that throwing hand........................................

After a quick bath.....................................................rest..........................

..................................and refreshment..................................................

.......................Tractor was out to survey ...............................

..........................the land..................................

...................and the pond............
.......................... Good work Tractor. Thanks for helping!!!!