Friday, April 24, 2009

A Big Boy's Day At Still Waters

It seems that day Hannan was a baby just beginning to crawl around on the floor and two weeks later, after turning one year old, he's walking all around, pulling open the drawer.......................

in the kitchen where we keep the big boy cooking supplies. This week he just opened the cabinet

and started pulling out all of the necessary utensils for preparing ................

a nice fruit tray. First you need to cut the fruit into pieces.

If you don't have a knife, a wooden fork will do. Be sure to plate the fruit for a nice presentation.

While Hannan is not walking much yet without holding on, he constantly pulls up..........

and walks around anything that will just give him even an illusion of support. Around a chair....

........................................down the walls.......................

...................................along the windows..................................

........................pretty much all of the windows. They seem to be just right. Support with a view!

Suddenly Hannan remembered another great place to look. Off to .....

................... open the toy cabinet.

"I may need a little help with this drawer."

What first....well of course a ball, then maybe that guitar.

Hannan also learned to push the little cars backward and release them to go forward.

The best part is when one comes back to you.

A little lunch with entertainment. Juju singing about a Big Big World for Hannan Allen ( with a lot of motions).

Hannan is a great audience. He gives big smiles and claps after my hand clapping routine. I have great rhythm so it is quite a show.

Hannan eased over to the iron squirrel which is always a favorite with the little ones.

"Oh don't mind me I'm looking in the other direction and you should too."

Slipping those little fingers over the tail, that opens the mouth...........

................... and pinches the fingers....................

A better place for the iron squirrel nut cracker when little one year old fingers are in the house.

1 comment:

mcdaniellaurie said...

Looks like you two had a fun day! You got some cute pictures!