Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Lot of Moving Going On

Still Waters has been a very busy place the last few weeks. The Manor house down the lane has been completed and is now occupied. The big move is pretty much complete. The (For Real) plantation behind us has been using our lane to access a tract of pines that they are thinning and Bennett has enjoyed watching the log trucks pass not only because the drivers always toot their horns at him if they can see him out but because he is a boy. Boys just REALLY like heavy equipment. He especially enjoyed a couple of trips down the new road to check out the progress and to see the bulldozer and log picker-upper up close. Also, the rattlesnakes have been moving and we have seen and killed several very large snakes the last couple of weeks. And when I say we, I mean other people. I had no part in this activity what- so- ever. I did not chose to look over their dead bodies nor stretch them out to their full length to take their picture. I did not even chose to ride by to see their dead lifeless bodies from the safety of my vehicle. After Jason killed the first snake at the Manor House he explained to Bennett that if he ever saw a snake he was just to "tell Daddy." I had not heard about the latest snake killing until after Bennett told me, " If I see a snake I'm going to STEP on it!" I don't expect he will be allowed out of the house on his own until he is 18 or so. We may also be changing the name of our planation-ett to Snake Nation. Anyway, Welcome to the neighborhood Lairsey family!

1 comment:

cae/honey said...

Yes, welcome indeed!!! Can hardly wait to come see the Manor!