Friday, February 20, 2009

Cold Bear!

Bennett has a new favorite song, Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Band. A good ole boy's Southern song. Bennett calls the song Chicken Friday. He sings along with his mommie and daddy, with just a little change in the words for Bennett. They sing , "I like my chicken fried. Cold milk on a Friday night."

One cool morning last week Bennett discovered that his bear, Bear, had been left in the car overnight. He pulled Bear over to give him a big morning hug and said, "Cold Bear!"

" Cold Bear!", he exclaimed."Chicken fried and cold Bear!"

He also hears the song on the radio.

You know I like my chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night.
A pair of jeans that fit just right.
And the radio up.

1 comment:

mcdaniellaurie said...

He is too smart! And cute!