Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where in the World is Baby B?

Laurie and I took Baby B to the indoor play area at Chick's. We took off his shoes and basically said "Here we are. Play!"

Here he is after climbing up the first step. See! They are only waist high for him! What took you so long Baby B?

Second step.......Now on to the next. Wow, what's up there? Where does this go?

Around the bend..... on to the next level. (Up beyond our reach!) Baby B's looking ahead.

Here comes............................ not Baby B............................. but a little boy! Sniff! Sniff!

Here's Bennett!!!! FUN!!!!!!!

Ummmmmm!...................I think I'll go again.


Leslie said...

I knew that he was ready for preschool because he can go down the slide. Cute pics!!

mcdaniellaurie said...

What a fun day! That 2nd picture of Bennett cheesing doesn't look like him at all to me. I loved seeing him come down the slide all by himself! He was a happy boy. Looking back, he had a very fun weekend, along with the rest of us! We had one party after another.