Sunday, September 14, 2008

Be our Guest! Be our Guest!

Sometimes I think I’m living in The Jetson’s or maybe Beauty and the Beast except I have not seen the dishes dancing much less working. It seems that... I …WORK… for this house, especially the appliances and electronics. They all have minds of their own and want to run things around here. While I’m accustomed to my purse singing, I sometimes get raised eyebrows when my purse starts to chirp...crickets? But twice this past week I suddenly heard Christian music playing. Not just a ringtone but singing! The first time I just looked around and wondered briefly about the origin of the music since I was driving in Thomasville and there was a lot going on around me. The second time I was driving down our lane and since there is nothing around and my radio/ CD player was off, I was startled by the music and stopped to look into the strange occurrence. Well, my IPod had turned up its volume until I could hear the music coming out of my purse! I guess it just had something to share; a really good song that I needed to hear.Another day recently before dawn, I awoke to music coming from the den. It was my computer having a pre-dawn "update" conversation. Or so it said....Music?... I think it may have been just a date!..... Maybe an on-line romance. Also, the microwave and oven are very bossy with commands of: “TURN THE FOOD!”, “PUSH THE START BUTTON!” They are both so demanding a nd will repeat themselves until I comply. The fridge is quieter, but is warning that the water filter will soon need changing and I should order another. And as for the monster that lives upstairs (AKA the embroidery machine), I feed it and feed it and buy it anything that I think will make it more comfortable so that it can become a contributing member of our household, but it chooses not to work. I’ve considered opening that window and setting it free to see if it can fly. But at least they all need me. The computer told me just last week that it had captured a possible virus and needed my assistance.
Love you!


Leslie said...

You do have a lot of bossy appliances. I am coming over Tuesday and we might conduct an experiment with that smart(alecky) machine upstairs. If it won't work, then we will see if it can fly....

Still Waters. said...

Thanks Dear!

mcdaniellaurie said...

I keep checking for a new post. I thought you might blog one more time before the little tornado comes to stay.

Our Home said...

Just checked for a post and was so excited to see this one! Keep them coming!