Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Late Night Visitor or "What? More New Friends?" 9/5/08

If I moved to France I would expect to live with the inhabitants of France. So when I moved into the field on the edge of the woods I guess I should have expected to live with the field mice and snakes. But I really was not prepared to share my house with either of them. Last night as I read while waiting to hear John McCain speak, I sensed movement in the hall between the powder room and our bedroom. I looked up from my book several times and did not see anything. I thought it was probably just a little mini stroke or a detached retina and kept reading… It was a pretty good mystery…. The door to our bedroom was closed and the light was off since Jimmy gave in to his exhaustion and went to bed before time for the speech. I finally looked up to see a tiny little mouse running around in the hall. He seemed lost or disoriented. He would stop and look around then run to the bedroom door and nose around the bottom of the door. Then he would stand on his hind feet, with his little pink mouse hands on the door and lean on the door. He would then run to another part of the door and again stand up on his hind feet and put those little pink mouse hands on the door- and TRY TO PUSH THE DOOR OPEN!!! Well, that’s what he appeared to be doing. He was very tiny and kind of cute but I would still not get out of my chair until he finally disappeared. I found a trap and put it in the hall. I still have not caught him. When I went to bed I closed and locked the door into the bedroom. I keep thinking about that little ant…… that moved a rubber tree plant!
Have a great weekend!

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