Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thank God I'm a Country Girl posted: 8-7-08

This morning I tried out the most beneficial 'race walking'- swinging arms at 90 degree with one foot in front of the other. After 10 minutes of panting in the 100+ heat/humidity my wicking shirt had wicked it's weight so I moseyed down to the mail box and back. Yes, I can see that by race walking for an hour a day just 5 times a week one could lose 35 pounds a year without any other changes. Assuming one lived through it.
Back at Still Waters Jimmy and I settled in to shell the pink eyes he had picked yesterday late and I was transported back to Briarwood Road, 1960s. (Yes, apparently it is still legal to shell peas in your own home if you live more than 8 miles from any city limits). I remember many summer days of shelling peas or beans then blanching, draining, cooling and finally bagging to freeze the little jewels. I loved peas and would count and recount the bags to see if we had enough to have them at least once a week. And since Daddy loved beans I wanted to make sure he had enough of those. I realize now how filling those shelves in the freezer satisfied something inside of me. I'm back to my roots. Thank God I'm a country girl!
Love you!

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