Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weekend Special at Still Waters, cont.


Start the day with a brisk walk.


Express your creative side in our art classes.

Take a break and enjoy the chipped ice.


A player friendly course where you determine the hole placement....

Set them to meet your specific needs!

If that's not good enough.....

Ponder...... ponder....ponder....
Try a different ball!

Maybe a larger ball..


And walk off a winner!


Leslie said...

The Still Waters "16 month old package" sure is a fun-filled adventure weekend. No wonder the customer was soooooo exhausted. I imagagine that all of the hosts were tired too! (I hear that you had to call in reinforcements not once, but twice). I also hear that there were many who just came for the day to get a taste of the "16 month old weekend of fun".
Thanks for a fun time (to all involved)!!!

Leslie said...

I can spell imagine correctly by the way. They should have spell check for the comments : )

Anonymous said...


W doo U thnk spell check s needed?

ure spelling looks find.

mcdaniellaurie said...

Oh! I have been waiting for this post, and never saw it until this morning. How cute! He was a very busy boy during his stay at Still Waters! What a fun weekend!