Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome to the Century posted 8/19/08

Exciting day Monday!!! Heading down interstate seventy five with one IPod earpiece in my ear (so that I appeared not to break the law and also to save one ear in case I need to hear later in life), I was so excited about picking up my new HP laptop that I had purchased Sunday at Best Buy. WELCOME TO THE TWENTY-FIRST Century Allen family! A nice young Geek gave me my program loaded computer. He was very patient with answering questions and finding answers for my questions that he could not answer. I must have had rather intelligent questions because Geek did not roll his eyes at me one time. When I asked if I could put the I Tunes that was on our pc on my new computer so that I could download songs onto my IPOD, Geek said, “YOU have an IPod?” I think he thought I was groovy and oh so hip! I celebrated with a diet vanilla coke from Sonic and returned home to hook up the wireless router so I could login with the whole wide world. Geek said just plug it up. I left feeling great.
Then came the JUST! After several tries which included a lot of praying and a little crying I JUST gave up and went to school. I may have an IPod and I may have a laptop but I’m surely not a techno geek. I’ll try again later. Tomorrow is another day.

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